St. Mary Magdalene Equal to the Apostles: 

is a reformed Catholic community celebrating in Word and Sacraments God's love shown to all of us in Jesus Christ and committed to a generous Orthodoxy. When you feel lost, we can be your home.

Rev Fr Chrysostom Frank

"Love to the end and love without exception"

(St. Maria of Paris)

Liturgical Services

Sunday, September 22nd. Mass and Agape Meal - 11:15am.

Sunday, September 29. No 11:15am service. Attend St. Peter and Mary at 9:00am or St. John’s Cathedral Choral Eucharist at 10:30am.

Our Sunday Eucharistic celebrations include a dialogical homily involving priest and congregation.

Confessions: by appointment with the priest;


A special community in the Episcopal Archdiocese of Denver.

Season of Creation - September 1—October 4th

The celebration of this Season began in 1989 when Ecumenical Patriarch Dimitrios I established September 1 as a Day of Prayer for Creation for the Orthodox Church. The World Council of Churches extended the celebration to October 4th, the Feast of St. Francis of Assisi. An ecumenical effort is now underway to establish a Feast of Creation on September 1.

The 80th General Convention of the Episcopal Church recognized climate change as “an all-encompassing social crisis and moral emergency that impacts and interconnects every aspect of pastoral concern including health, poverty, employment, racism, social justice, and family life and that can only be addressed by a Great Work involving every sector of society, including the Church.

See our Season of Creation Page for links, discussions, homilies, books and other media.


The uniqueness of this congregation within the Episcopal Diocese of Colorado is its liturgical character. It is a bi-ritual community, using for its Western Rite the 1979 Book of Common Prayer.



And using for its Eastern Rite a revised version of the Byzantine liturgical books and calendar of New Skete Orthodox Monastery.