“Through the church the wisdom of God in its rich variety might be made known.” Eph 3:10

The gathering as church is much more than sitting and receiving. It is an exchange of gifts (think Christmas) and a humble acknowledgement to the primary Giver. It is in the giving and receiving that we engage one another and create a space for belonging. Of course we need money to facilitate our gathering times, and we ask for your donations below. But we also need just as much for people to offer their part of the “rich variety of God’s wisdom” through their service, poems, songs, essays, meditations, videos, discussions, talks, art, sorrows and joys. This page presents those offerings from our community members and guests. Don’t just give a gift, be a gift.


St. mary magdalene Equal to the apostles seeks donors for liturgical items

Various liturgical items not included in our Congregational budget. These items are needed for our services. Each Week Fr. Chrys will provide a list of these items.


Click here for specific details of items needed.


The following offerings are presented by those who are connected with St Mary Magdalene Equal to the Apostles in some way. If you have a story, song, meditation, poem, essay, video, expression of thanks, piece of art or music, or a service that you have created and would like to share, please send a suggestion to office@smmdenver.org.

It is an understanding beauty, and a cultivation of vision, that transforms all reality into icons of the transcendent, windows into the eternal. Most of us enjoy such vision only in fugitive glimpses. Our spiritual senses are neither so refined nor certainly so sensitive as they should be. We must rely on the vision of others, whether mediated to us in the arts or in the examples of saintly lives or in countless other delicate and miraculous ways. Even so, insofar as we have eyes to see and ears to hear, in the event of Christ’s presence in the time we have been given—and are given ever anew—the knowledge of the beautiful in its eternal truth, which is infinite love. David Bentley Hart, You are Gods: on Nature and Supernature.

Gifts from the community