Hospitality Ministry

Click here to signup. (You DO NOT need to create an account in SignupGenius to sign up on the form)

For more information, email


  • 30 minutes before service

  • Greet people as they come in.

  • Handout worship materials.

  • Familiarize new people with the kind of worship.

Agape Meal

Members who volunteer to provide an Agape Meal serve our community by creating a welcoming environment for fellowship after each Sunday service.  

The responsibilities are shared by the congregation and include helping with set up and clean up, and/or offering to bring food and drink.

With changing seasons, the menu typically changes. During warmer months we may request simpler, warm weather fare, such as appetizers and light salads, while the colder months bring a change to heartier meals.  

Starting in November we are switching to a heartier fare with a couple volunteers bringing hot main dishes (serving 12 each), and others filling in with salads, bread, deserts and drinks. Please click on the link above to be directed to the sign up sheets for the current month.