Looking For a Church Community?
And also community? One that is:
Catholic and also reformed and reforming.
Centered in Baptism and its promises and also reaches out beyond the boundaries of the Church.
Deeply Sacramental and also takes seriously the Church’s Scriptures.
Affirming creation as God’s work and also taking seriously biological and cosmic evolution as God’s method.
Rooted in the Christian moral tradition and also affirms the positive place of LGBTQI people in the Church and the world.
Orthodox in confessing the Trinity and Incarnation of the ancient creeds and affirmed by Church Councils and also progressive and willing to deal with new issues.
Concerned about living in the contemporary context and also not willing to forget our sins of the past that are still with us, like racism and the harm done to indigenous people
Centered in Eucharist and also values strong preaching.
Grounded in Tradition and also future-orientated.
Liturgical to the core and also concerned about social justice.
Committed to the historical apostolic ministry of bishops, priests, and deacons and also egalitarian with regard to the place of men and women in ministry.
You might consider something that you never considered before if you:
love beauty
search for truth
desire community
are open to change
are challenged by the call to love God, neighbor and self
The Episcopal Church of Colorado
St. Mary Magdalene, Equal-to-the-Apostles Episcopal Church, is a congregation of the Episcopal Diocese of Colorado. We are located at St. Peter and St. Mary’s Church (126 West 2nd Ave, Denver), and we invite you join us to learn more about the Episcopal Way and our place in the Jesus movement that has been going on for more than 2,000 years.
There are no upfront commitments. Just come and see who we are and what we are up to.
If you are not used to church, that’s ok, too. Everyone is welcome and is treated with dignity and respect.
If you think you won’t fit because you are gay, or trans, or poor, or politically off-center, or confused about what meaning there may in life, or have been hurt by the Church, or have done bad things in the past, or are not even sure about God, don’t worry. We are a Church committed to the Trinitarian God whose love shown to us in Jesus reaches through whatever barriers you think there may be.
Our goal and our purpose is to become so changed and transformed by the Good News of and about Jesus that over time we begin to look more and more like him. One of our Saints of the 20th century, St. Maria of Paris, a nun who died in a Nazi concentration camp, put it like this: “Love to the end and without exception”. This, we believe, is what real holiness looks like.