Prayer of St Ephrem
O Lord and Master of my life, take from me the spirit of sloth, despair, lust of power, and idle talk. (prostration or profound bow)
But give rather the spirit of chastity, humility, patience, and love to Your servant. (prostration or profound bow)
Yes, O Lord and King! Grant me to see my own transgressions and not to judge my brother or sister, for blessed are You to the ages of ages. (prostration or profound bow)
Schedule of Services
The schedule is subject to change.
Sunday, 2 March (11:15 am): Forgiveness Sunday- Divine Liturgy and Rite of Mutual Forgiveness. Complete Order of Service
Wednesday, 5 March (6:30 pm): Ash Wednesday- Mass and Imposition of Ashes (St. Michael and Angels Church: 1400 South University Boulevard, Denver)
Sunday, 9 March (11:15 am): 1st Sunday in Lent- Mass (N.B.! Daylight Savings Time) Complete Order of Service
Wednesday, 12 March (7:00 pm): Lenten Feria- Stations of the Cross Complete Order of Service
Sunday, 16 March (11:15 am): 2nd Sunday in Lent (St. Gregory Palamas): Divine Liturgy. Complete Order of Service.
Wednesday, 19 March (7:00 pm): Lenten Weekday- Presanctified Divine Liturgy. Complete Order of Service.
Sunday, 23 March (11:15 am): 3rd Sunday in Lent: Mass. Complete Order of Service.
Tuesday, 25 March (3:30 pm): Feast of the Annunciation: Mass (in chapel at Fr. Chrys’ house followed by Tea and cake) Complete Order of Service
Wednesday, 26 March (7:00 pm): Lenten Feria- Stations of the Cross. Complete Order of Service
Sunday, 30 March (5:00 pm): 4th Sunday in Lent: Holy Eucharist- Wilderness Service (at St. John’s Cathedral- this is their “outreach” service, very different from the morning Choral Eucharist/High Mass)
Wednesday 2 April (7:00 pm): Lenten Feria- Stations of the Cross
Sunday, 6 April (11:15 am): 5th Sunday in Lent (St. Mary of Egypt)- Divine Liturgy
Wednesday, 9 April (7:00 pm): Lenten Weekday- Presanctified Divine Liturgy
Saturday, 12 April 12 (10:00am-1:00pm): Ukrainian Egg (Psanky) Decorating Workshop & Fundraiser for Ukraine. Information. Sign Up.
Practice righteousness - Matthew 6:1-18
Christians are encouraged to practice three “acts of righteousness” during the season of penance. Each person should decide what is feasible and workable with their schedule and determination. Of course, these are things which should be a regular part of our lives, but our particular emphasis during Lent is meant to “jump start” those practices.
There are many different approaches to fasting. Generally, it should entail some form of abstinence from “rich” foods. The church encourages a vegatarian diet for at least some days each week. Most importantly, our abstinence from food should incite our hunger for God.
We all hope for the ability to “pray without ceasing,” but in the meantime, the church has added an additional prayer-focused service on Wednesday nights. Both the western Stations of the Cross and the eastern Presanctified Divine Liturgy direct our focus with stillness and contemplation towards the world-transforming passion of Jesus.
Throughout Lent we will take up collections of both money and needed items for The Gathering Place. Please do bring something to offer especially at our Sunday liturgies. Together we also decided that would be participate in a Service Project with Habitat for Humanity. If you desire to participate, please email for details.
Behold, the bridegroom comes at midnight
Holy Week
Sunday, 13 April (11:15 am): Palm Sunday (Passion Sunday)- Procession and Mass
Tuesday, 15 April (7:00 pm): Holy Tuesday- Bridegroom Matins
Wednesday, 16 April (7:00 pm): Holy Wednesday- Bridegroom Matins
Thursday, 17 April (7:00 pm): Maundy Thursday- Eucharist, Foot-washing and Watch before the Blessed Sacrament (at Christ Church, 2950 S University Blvd, Denver)
Friday, 18 April (9:00 am): Good/Holy Friday- Matins (Byzantine). Complete Order of Service
Friday, 18 April (12:00 Noon): Good/Holy Friday- Mass of the Presanctified Gifts and Veneration of the Cross (Western) Complete Order of Service
Friday, 18 April (4:30 pm): Good/Holy Friday- Vespers, Procession, and Veneration of the Shroud (Byzantine). Complete Order of Service
Your resurrection O Christ our God, the angels in heaven sing.
Saturday, 19 April (7:00 pm): Holy Pascha/Easter- The Great Vigil (Book of Common Prayer (followed by Agape celebration)- This is our Paschal celebration; there is NO service on Sunday morning (This year we will celebrate Easter according to the Western Prayer Book Rite; next year we will celebrate Easter according to the Byzantine Rite)
Monday, 21 April (9:30 am): Easter Monday- Mass (in chapel at Fr. Chrys’ house, followed by coffee and cake)
Tuesday, 22 April (3:30 pm): Easter Tuesday- Mass (in chapel at Fr. Chrys’ house, followed by Tea and cake)
Wednesday, 23 April (9:30 am): Easter Wednesday- Mass (in chapel at Fr. Chrys’ house, followed by coffee and cake)
Thursday, 24 April (3:30 pm): Easter Thursday- Mass (in chapel at Fr. Chrys’ house, followed by Tea and cake)
Friday, 25 April (9:30 am): Easter Friday- Mass (in chapel at Fr. Chrys’ house, followed by coffee and cake)
Saturday, 26 April (5:00 pm): Paschal Agape Vespers (Vespers of Love) (at Fr. Chrys’ house, followed by a Paschal Meal: please let either Fr. Chrys or Marica know if you are planning to attend)
Sunday, 27 April (11:15 am): 2nd Sunday of Easter/Thomas Sunday- Mass