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Don’t just come to church; be the Church

Contact Fr Chrysostom with any questions.


Gospel Bearer, Epistle Reader and Prayers of the Faithful

Western Mass (2nd and 4th Sundays) Arrive approximately 15-20 minutes in advance of service in order to familiarize yourself with the readings and the prayers of the faithful.

The Gospel Bearer is part of the opening procession, The readers of scripture help facilitate public prayer during the service. [Note: These roles have also been referred to as Lectors in the Roman Catholic tradition.]

Litany Reader/chanter

Eastern Divine Liturgy (1st and 3rd Sundays)

Arrive 30 minutes in advance of the service in order to familiarize yourself with the litanies.

The litanies (similar to the Prayers of the Faithful in the Western Liturgy) are appointed to be sung by a deacon when there is one.  It has customarily reverted to the priest in the absence of a deacon, but there is no essential reason for this.  We now have the freedom to allow lay people (men or women) to take over the role until we get a deacon (male or female). The only requirement is that the Lay Reader doing litanies will need to chant them- easy smeasy!

You DO NOT need to create an account in SignupGenius to signup on the platform


First Testament and Psalm reader

Western Mass (2nd and 4th Sundays). Arrive approx 15-20 minutes in advance of service in order to familiarize yourself with the readings and the prayers of the faithful.

The readers of scripture help facilitate public prayer during the service. [Note: These roles have also been referred to as Lectors in the Roman Catholic tradition.]


Gospel Bearer and First Testament Reader

Eastern Divine Liturgy (1st and 3rd Sundays)

Arrive approximately 15-20 minutes in advance of service in order to familiarize yourself with the readings and the prayers of the faithful.

The Gospel Bearer is part of the opening procession, The readers of scripture help facilitate public prayer during the service. [Note: These roles have also been referred to as Lectors in the Roman Catholic tradition.]


Liturgical Music

For contact information and commitments click on the links below:

Western Sung Mass

Eastern Divine Liturgy

Gift Bearers

Gift Bearers

Western Mass (2nd and 4th Sundays)


Gift Bearers assist with bringing the bread and wine to the Altar during the Offertory.

acolytes/altar servers

All Services

Arrive 1 hour before the service to assist the priest as requested

Offering/oblation Bearer (Collection)

All services


Collections are placed near the front of the church during the offertory and are picked up by members of the Finance committee after mass is over

Bread baker

All services

Baked during the week. Brought to church 30 minutes before service.

St. Mary Magdalene, Equal to the Apostles has a wonderful tradition of baking our own Eucharistic Bread for the Sunday services. Recipes and Instructions provided.